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Your Body

The Power of Movement

David Higgins
Writer and expert2 years ago
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Movement Health

To address Movement Health we embed evidence based traditional and modern methods in our approach. There are 4 key methods that underpin this and by using a combination of these you will be able to illicit desired outcomes for you.

Breathwork and Awareness – enhancing movement potential and resilience through breathwork by promoting postural awareness, functional mobility and stability.

Mindset and Behaviour Change – we combine positive psychology and principles of behaviour change to support creating confidence and motivation to create long term healthy habits. These habits form the backbone of consistently and frequently moving.

Structure and Function - the principles of posture, strength, mobility and stability work is threaded through our strategies and product to promote a consistent methodology around joint health, improved body control and mobility.

Manual and Movement Therapies – the use of soft tissue work and flexibility forms the backbone of the Movementum movement therapies.

Movement Health is backed up scientifically to achieve extraordinary results in Health Related Quality of Life, all of which can be gained from simple but effective sessions guided by you. It is the fundamentals behind physical and mental health that will put you, in the forefront of your own extraordinary movement journey and on a pathway to sustained better health and happiness.

Move better live better

David Higgins
Writer and expert
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